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The game takes place in For the first time in GTA IV, the player is given the choice in several situations of deciding the fate of other characters. However, this does not significantly affect the action. The most important points are contained in the following description of the course of action. In e-mails and letters, Roman had always explained how far he iwnrar come in America and how wealthy and successful he was now.
After Niko got into trouble in Europe, he decided to emigrate to America in нажмите чтобы прочитать больше hope of a better life. In addition, Niko is looking for a man who betrayed him and his gta 4 winrar download in the war downloadd is now said to be in Liberty City. Downlosd Niko arrives посмотреть больше Liberty City, he quickly discovers that Roman is really not rich and successful.
Roman is in debt and runs a small taxi company with his girlfriend Mallorie. He lives in Hove Beach, a district mainly inhabited by Eastern European immigrants, in a small apartment that he shares with Niko.
During this time Niko met his first girlfriend Michelle, his loyal sidekick Little Jacob, a Jamaican drug dealer, and the steroid-using fitness enthusiast Brucie Kibbutz.
However, they ask Niko to replace them with some jobs. Since the two do not always agree, this leads to Dimitri demanding that Niko kill Faustin. As a reward, Niko is supposed to receive downllad from Dimitri, but is betrayed by Dimitri when he is handed over to an old Russian creditor named Bulgarin. Meanwhile, Elizabeta shoots Manny in an argument; Winrsr breaks off as Elizabeta expects to be arrested for the failed drug delivery. Through Elizabeta, Niko also got to know the drug dealer Playboy X gta 4 winrar download then his former friend Dwayne, who is released from prison after a long prison sentence.
However, Dwayne and Playboy X no longer trust each wknrar and their former friendship turns more and more into enmity. The argument escalates when both Playboy and Dwayne gta 4 winrar download Niko to kill the other. At this point, the player can decide gta 4 winrar download himself /6148.php side he takes. It was also through Elizabeta that Niko met the three brothers of the Irish McReary family and their sister Kate, with whom Niko soon developed a relationship.
With the McRearys he raids, among downlload things, the bank of Liberty City. In the further course gta 4 winrar download страница plot there is a xownload between Derrick McReary and Gta 4 winrar download McReary, a corrupt police officer, so that Niko is again faced with the decision to kill one of the two.
Florian and Niko become friends again. Now it is clear to Niko that only Darko Brevic can be the traitor. This locates Darko in Romania. At this point the player can again decide whether to kill Darko or let him нажмите сюда. Then the marriage between Roman and Mallorie is due. Don Pegorino asks Niko to work with Dimitri Rascalov again.
At this point the player has the option to decide for or against the deal with Dimitri. If the player decides on the deal and does the job, Dimitri reveals Niko again and has Roman murdered at his wedding.
In doanload final mission, Dimitri also cheats on Pegorino and shoots him, so that Dlwnload has to kill Dimitri at the foot of the Statue of Happiness after a long chase. In the final mission, Niko has to kill the remaining Pegorino at the основываясь на этих данных of the Statue of Happiness. GTA 4 cheats — cars, wantedlevel, helicopter, guns, Lost and Demand. Winfar to Install Images. After Extractions is Completed, Run Setup.
How to Install Video. Click on Gear icon on Bottom Right. Click Here to Download. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time Gta 4 winrar download comment. Notify donload of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Sign in. Forgot your password? Get help. Password recovery. GTA 5 Dowjload. GTA 4 Gameplay. Download Link. So good game And it does not lag Thanks and make More game like this.
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